KREPORT file format: Add support for global script
Open, NormalPublic


So far KReport scripts are either:

  • code snippets embeded in report elements (if their context are elements), such as event handlers or expressions such as "=x+y"
  • definitions placed outside of the report and provided in an application-dependent way (Kexi) via a "map - (name, scriptText) pairs" API

We would like to design XML element(s) that list global (report-level) scripts by name and definition.


  • report can be still a self-contained file, this way easier to import/export/transfer
  • global script defined by the KREPORT format eventually - it removes one application-specific construct, what is good for the quality of the format
  • from Kexi's perspective this change would probably mean less code in Kexi, and more in KReport (not sure)
staniek created this task.Sep 3 2015, 4:37 PM
staniek updated the task description. (Show Details)
staniek raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
staniek added a project: KReport.
staniek moved this task to Backlog on the KReport board.
staniek added subscribers: staniek, piggz.
staniek triaged this task as Normal priority.Sep 28 2015, 8:06 PM
staniek updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 29 2023, 7:07 PM