Please help me understand. I sincerely do not. Help me.
Closed, SealedPublic


I genuinely cannot understand why you're ignoring my pleas. It doesn't make any sense to me how you care so much about user privacy and control, but then sit back and say nothing while these client-side AI surveillance bills are moving forward.

Look, they are not going to allow people to just compile open source software with the AI disabled, are they? They'll lock us out of our own hardware, force AI updates, and ban jailbreaks. They may even seize older devices that lack the anti-features to stop users from deleting the AI. Everything that KDE is supposed to stand for will be compromised if these bills are passed.

We've also got Tor in denial, Signal acting like it's just a UK problem, and F-Droid staying totally silent... Every pro-privacy organization should be screaming from the rooftops, but there is quiet.

There must be a simple thing that I am missing. Is everyone secretly hoping that if Western governments have total surveillance, they would become incorruptible? Is everyone simply waiting for the AI apocalypse?

I only wish someone would give me a real answer...

jriddell closed this task as Sealed.May 3 2023, 1:25 PM
jriddell claimed this task.