Make pursuivant less noisy on #kwin irc channel
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It will be great if pursuivant only displays the most important information about commit, e.g. the author, the subject line and the link. Omitting the commit message will make pursuivant less noisy on the channel.

zzag created this task.May 12 2021, 3:28 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: sysadmin. · View Herald TranscriptMay 12 2021, 3:28 PM
bcooksley added a subscriber: bcooksley.

I'm afraid the tooling that supports Pursuivant at this time only allows for the same message format to be used across all channels.
We could certainly consider reducing the number of commit message lines printed on IRC though (we allow a maximum of 5 now).

See for the involved code.

bcooksley closed this task as Resolved.May 16 2021, 3:09 AM
bcooksley claimed this task.

Please reopen this if you have some ideas about how to proceed here.

zzag added a comment.EditedMay 16 2021, 11:49 AM

Bhusan said that he will take a look at this later. But if it's okay, we can change the message format so it's a single line with the most important information, e.g. <repo> <branch> <author> <subject line> <link>(<modified files>). Such a message format should produce compact messages and make pursuivant less noisy. :)

zzag added a comment.May 16 2021, 11:52 AM

In other words, someone just needs to re-shuffle the items in I can make a MR but I would need help with testing.

zzag reopened this task as Open.May 16 2021, 11:57 AM

Please reopen this if you have some ideas about how to proceed here.

Re-opening as I have a proposal how to proceed

bcooksley closed this task as Resolved.May 22 2021, 8:21 PM

Following discussion this morning, we've concluded that while we would be happy to change this, because it has global impact on all KDE projects this should be discussed first within the broader community.

Please open a thread to discuss this on kde-community/kde-devel. Once the thread has concluded we can look at sorting this out.

nalvarez changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 22 2021, 10:09 PM
zzag added a subscriber: ngraham.May 24 2021, 12:16 PM

@ngraham started a relevant discussion recently in the plasma-devel mailing list So, I guess we can continue this discussion there.

plasma-devel is not a global community forum, so that thread is not suitable for discussing changing the format of those messages I'm afraid.

It needs to be a generic list such as kde-devel.

I will start a new mailing list thread.

I started a new thread in kde-devel ( and there have been no objections. I also received two supportive comments in the Kirigami chatroom yesterday.

Thanks for the update - let's give this a few days so people have a chance to see this before we change anything.

No more comments or objections since then; shall we do this?

bcooksley reopened this task as Open.Jun 5 2021, 9:24 AM
bcooksley moved this task from External: Awaiting Response to External: Active on the Sysadmin board.
bcooksley closed this task as Resolved.Jun 19 2021, 7:23 AM

This has now been deployed.

Projects that wish to use shorter lines may now set "short_message=True" in their IRC Channel Commit Gateway configuration.

Nice! Can we get that set for the Kirigami room?

You can change it for any channel by committing the appropriate change to the config in the sysadmin/irc-notifications repository.
Please ensure it is discussed with the members of the channel first.