KWin Zoom Plugin: Show Windows plugin doesnt work properly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


i use the KWin "show windows" plugin to get an idea of open windows (since the taskswitcher doesnt work for me)

in overview the icons and labels of the windows are misplaced. seems that they get placed relative to my monitor instead of the focused area. the labels and icons should be zoomed as well. seems that they are drawn on an different layer (or other z axes) what is not respected by the zoom plugin.

i provide screenshots here

Show Windows/ view Windows (not sure how the plugin is labeled properly in english "Zeige Fenster" in german.
without zoom to see how it should look like

chempfling moved this task from Todo to Done on the Plasma Accessibility board.Jun 20 2022, 11:11 PM

Seems the Magnification was rewritten to fix almost any glitches i found.
Works awsome in Plasma 5.25.

Many thanks for that! That really makes an difference (as the glitches are not only related to this effect). But all gone now. man i have to write an new review for KDE.... Plasma did some major stepps the last 2 Versions.

apol closed this task as Resolved.Jun 20 2022, 11:27 PM
apol claimed this task.
apol added a subscriber: apol.

If an issue you reported isn't a problem anymore, it's usually helpful to mark it as resolved so that we don't need to triage it later on.

Thanks for checking in!

Ah sorry, i just moved the tasks i tested to "done" section. i will close them.