diff --git a/bin/Source/ArchiveSource.py b/bin/Source/ArchiveSource.py index 5837b36c9..1371c4185 100644 --- a/bin/Source/ArchiveSource.py +++ b/bin/Source/ArchiveSource.py @@ -1,312 +1,314 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # copyright (c) 2009 Ralf Habacker # Copyright Hannah von Reth # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import tempfile import io from pathlib import Path from Source.SourceBase import * from Utils import CraftHash, GetFiles, CraftChoicePrompt from Utils.CraftManifest import CraftManifest from CraftCore import CraftCore class ArchiveSource(SourceBase): """ file download source""" def __init__(self): CraftCore.log.debug("ArchiveSource.__init__ called") SourceBase.__init__(self) self.__archiveDir = Path(CraftCore.standardDirs.downloadDir()) / "archives" self.__downloadDir = self.__archiveDir / self.package.path def generateSrcManifest(self) -> bool: archiveNames = self.localFileNames() if self.subinfo.hasTargetDigestUrls(): url, alg = self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl() archiveNames.append(self.subinfo.archiveName()[0] + CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.fileEndings().get(alg)) manifestLocation = os.path.join(self.__archiveDir, "manifest.json") manifest = CraftManifest.load(manifestLocation, urls=CraftCore.settings.getList("Packager", "ArchiveRepositoryUrl")) entry = manifest.get(str(self), compiler="all") entry.files.clear() for archiveName in archiveNames: name = (Path(self.package.path) / archiveName).as_posix() archiveFile = self.__downloadDir / archiveName if not archiveFile.is_file(): continue digests = CraftHash.digestFile(archiveFile, CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.SHA256) entry.addFile(name, digests, version=self.version) manifest.dump(manifestLocation) return True def localFileNames(self): if self.subinfo.archiveName() == [""]: return self.localFileNamesBase() if isinstance(self.subinfo.archiveName(), (tuple, list)): return self.subinfo.archiveName() return [self.subinfo.archiveName()] def localFilePath(self): return [os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, f) for f in self.localFileNamesBase()] def localFileNamesBase(self): """ collect local filenames """ CraftCore.log.debug("ArchiveSource.localFileNamesBase called") filenames = [] for url in self.subinfo.targets.values(): filenames.append(os.path.basename(url)) return filenames def __checkFilesPresent(self, filenames): def isFileValid(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return False return os.path.getsize(path) > 0 """check if all files for the current target are available""" for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, filename) # check file if not isFileValid(path): return False # check digests if self.subinfo.hasTargetDigests(): if not isFileValid(path): return False elif self.subinfo.hasTargetDigestUrls(): algorithm = CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.SHA1 if type(self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl()) == tuple: _, algorithm = self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl() if not isFileValid(path + algorithm.fileEnding()): return False return True def fetch(self, downloadRetriesLeft=3): """fetch normal tarballs""" CraftCore.log.debug("ArchiveSource.fetch called") filenames = self.localFileNames() if (self.noFetch): CraftCore.log.debug("skipping fetch (--offline)") return True if self.subinfo.hasTarget(): if self.__checkFilesPresent(filenames): CraftCore.log.debug("files and digests available, no need to download files") return True if self.subinfo.target(): for url in CraftCore.settings.getList("Packager", "ArchiveRepositoryUrl"): manifest = CraftManifest.fromJson(CraftCore.cache.cacheJsonFromUrl(utils.urljoin(url, "manifest.json"))) files = manifest.get(str(self), compiler="all").files if files: self.__downloadDir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for entry in files: + if entry.version != self.buildTarget: + continue if not GetFiles.getFile(utils.urljoin(url, entry.fileName), self.__archiveDir, entry.fileName): return False if not CraftHash.checkFilesDigests(self.__archiveDir, [entry.fileName], digests=entry.checksum, digestAlgorithm=CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.SHA256): return False if self.__checkFilesPresent(filenames): CraftCore.log.debug("files and digests available, no need to download files") return True break # compat for scripts that provide multiple files files = zip(self.subinfo.target(), self.subinfo.archiveName()) if isinstance(self.subinfo.target(), list) else [(self.subinfo.target(), self.subinfo.archiveName()[0])] for url, fileName in files: if not GetFiles.getFile(url, self.__downloadDir, fileName): CraftCore.log.debug("failed to download files") return False if self.subinfo.hasTargetDigestUrls(): if isinstance(self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl(), tuple): url, alg = self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl() return GetFiles.getFile(url[0], self.__downloadDir, self.subinfo.archiveName()[0] + CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.fileEndings().get(alg)) else: for url in self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl(): if not GetFiles.getFile(url, self.__downloadDir): return False else: CraftCore.log.debug("no digestUrls present") if downloadRetriesLeft and not self.__checkFilesPresent(filenames): return ArchiveSource.fetch(self, downloadRetriesLeft=downloadRetriesLeft - 1) return True def checkDigest(self, downloadRetriesLeft=3): CraftCore.log.debug("ArchiveSource.checkDigest called") filenames = self.localFileNames() if self.subinfo.hasTargetDigestUrls(): CraftCore.log.debug("check digests urls") if not CraftHash.checkFilesDigests(self.__downloadDir, filenames): CraftCore.log.error("invalid digest file") redownload = downloadRetriesLeft and CraftChoicePrompt.promptForChoice("Do you want to delete the files and redownload them?", [("Yes", True), ("No", False)], default="Yes") if redownload: for filename in filenames: CraftCore.log.info(f"Deleting downloaded file: {filename}") utils.deleteFile(os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, filename)) for digestAlgorithm, digestFileEnding in CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.fileEndings().items(): digestFileName = filename + digestFileEnding if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, digestFileName)): CraftCore.log.info(f"Deleting downloaded file: {digestFileName}") utils.deleteFile(os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, digestFileName)) return self.fetch() and self.checkDigest(downloadRetriesLeft - 1) return False elif self.subinfo.hasTargetDigests(): CraftCore.log.debug("check digests") digests, algorithm = self.subinfo.targetDigest() if not CraftHash.checkFilesDigests(self.__downloadDir, filenames, digests, algorithm): CraftCore.log.error("invalid digest file") redownload = downloadRetriesLeft and CraftChoicePrompt.promptForChoice("Do you want to delete the files and redownload them?", [("Yes", True), ("No", False)], default="Yes") if redownload: for filename in filenames: CraftCore.log.info(f"Deleting downloaded file: {filename}") utils.deleteFile(os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, filename)) return self.fetch() and self.checkDigest(downloadRetriesLeft - 1) return False else: CraftCore.log.debug("print source file digests") CraftHash.printFilesDigests(self.__downloadDir, filenames, self.subinfo.buildTarget, algorithm=CraftHash.HashAlgorithm.SHA256) return True def unpack(self): """unpacking all zipped(gz, zip, bz2) tarballs""" CraftCore.log.debug("ArchiveSource.unpack called") filenames = self.localFileNames() # TODO: this might delete generated patches utils.cleanDirectory(self.workDir()) if not self.checkDigest(3): return False binEndings = (".exe", ".bat", ".msi") for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith(binEndings): filePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__downloadDir, filename)) if self.subinfo.options.unpack.runInstaller: _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".exe": return utils.system("%s %s" % (filePath, self.subinfo.options.configure.args)) elif (ext == ".msi"): return utils.system("msiexec /package %s %s" % (filePath, self.subinfo.options.configure.args)) if not utils.copyFile(filePath, os.path.join(self.workDir(), filename)): return False else: if not utils.unpackFile(self.__downloadDir, filename, self.workDir()): return False ret = self.applyPatches() if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("General", "EMERGE_HOLD_ON_PATCH_FAIL", False): return ret return True def getUrls(self): print(self.subinfo.target()) print(self.subinfo.targetDigestUrl()) return True def createPatch(self): """ unpacking all zipped(gz, zip, bz2) tarballs a second time and making a patch """ if not CraftCore.cache.findApplication("diff"): CraftCore.log.critical("could not find diff tool, please run 'craft diffutils'") return False # get the file paths of the tarballs filenames = self.localFileNames() destdir = self.workDir() # it makes no sense to make a diff against nothing if (not os.path.exists(self.sourceDir())): CraftCore.log.error("source directory doesn't exist, please run unpack first") return False CraftCore.log.debug("unpacking files into work root %s" % destdir) # make a temporary directory so the original packages don't overwrite the already existing ones with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: _patchName = f"{self.package.name}-{self.buildTarget}-{str(datetime.date.today()).replace('-', '')}.diff" # unpack all packages for filename in filenames: CraftCore.log.debug(f"unpacking this file: {filename}") if (not utils.unpackFile(self.__downloadDir, filename, tmpdir)): return False patches = self.subinfo.patchesToApply() if not isinstance(patches, list): patches = [patches] for fileName, patchdepth in patches: if os.path.basename(fileName) == _patchName: CraftCore.log.info(f"skipping patch {fileName} with patchlevel: {patchdepth}") continue CraftCore.log.info(f"applying patch {fileName} with patchlevel: {patchdepth}") if not self.applyPatch(fileName, patchdepth, os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.relpath(self.sourceDir(), self.workDir()))): return False srcSubDir = os.path.relpath(self.sourceDir(), self.workDir()) tmpSourceDir = os.path.join(tmpdir, srcSubDir) with io.BytesIO() as out: ignores = [] for x in ["*~", r"*\.rej", r"*\.orig", r"*\.o", r"*\.pyc", "CMakeLists.txt.user"]: ignores += ["-x", x] # TODO: actually we should not accept code 2 if not utils.system(["diff", "-Nrub"] + ignores + [tmpSourceDir, self.sourceDir()], stdout=out, acceptableExitCodes=[0,1,2], cwd=destdir): return False patchContent = out.getvalue() # make the patch a -p1 patch patchContent = patchContent.replace(tmpSourceDir.encode(), f"{srcSubDir}.orig".encode()) patchContent = patchContent.replace(self.sourceDir().encode(), srcSubDir.encode()) patchPath = os.path.join(self.packageDir(), _patchName) with open(patchPath, "wb") as out: out.write(patchContent) CraftCore.log.info(f"Patch created {patchPath} self.patchToApply[\"{self.buildTarget}\"] = [(\"{_patchName}\", 1)]") return True def sourceVersion(self): """ return a version based on the file name of the current target """ # we hope that the build target is equal to the version that is build return self.subinfo.buildTarget